Monday, January 28, 2013

Star Gazing in Nevada


   I have found the best site for star gazing, although I am definitely not the first.
We have a cabin just east of the Kolob cliffs in Zion National Park, the elevation is approximately 10,000 feet. The stars there are breath taking and there is no light pollution, but of all the areas I have visited, none hold a candle to Rachel Nevada.
   The trip to Rachel from home is a fun one, but that's another blog. I hate the dessert, but the three trips to Nevada I took this summer will always be some of my most memorable. Depending on the direction you take make sure you have plenty of fuel. The nearest gas station following Ash Springs, for instance, is 110 miles.
   Rachel does have a small bar and grill and the food is decent, but no gas. If you have been traveling long, order a glass of lemonade it was really good. They also carry more than enough Alien souvenirs to satisfy anyone. be nice the the locals though, some are really wacko! Some really believe the conspiracy theories, and some claim to have been abducted. The owners do it all in fun and as a marketing gimmick, but there are others that get really bent out of shape if you question them.

   Before your trip, know the current lunar cycles, no matter the size of the moon, you'll need it to set early in the evening or you'll be up all night. Also make sure to plan your trip in June or September, anything else is too cold or way to HOT! Even at these times, take plenty of water and stay hydrated.The days are warm to hot but the nights are very cold, come prepared! The temp hit 95 the day we arrived, that night we had frost! My ears nearly broke off!
   On Nevada Highways you can pull off anywhere to camp, open fires are not recommended and the State asks that the public stay in a previously used site when possible. Don't drive the roads after dark if you can help it, there are no fences and it is all open range for cattle. They are at times all over the road! Camping is very quiet and Private and you'll be lucky to see two cars all night. Don't stay in Rachel, travel to the west of the community about 2-4 miles on the E.T. Highway. The E.T Highway starts at Ash springs and ends at Tonapha, it is a long stretch with very straight roads.
   We camp in the bed of our pickup, it provides the best view of the sky and it is easy to wake up and just open your eyes a 2:00am, it also helps you avoid all the weird creepy crawlies!
What ever you see after the sun sets it is nothing  compared to  2:00am. Set your alarm, it is amazing.
   The sky is a pure and perfect black, the only thing I could compare it to was unblemished black velvet. At one time I used the same comparison to describe the mountain sky, but this is unlike anything you have ever seen. All stars are in three dimension, some appear much closer than others and it feels as if you could reach out and pick one up. The Milky Way Galaxy fills the center of the sky and multiple satellite's can be seen at the same time. Following the sunset, the areas sun driven wind ceases, by the time star viewing begins it is very peaceful and quiet.
   Where I'm from, coyotes howl at the moon. All three times I visited Rachel it's easy to spot a coyote throughout the day, they even raced our truck... but that too is another blog, they are quiet until sunrise as their howls fill the valley.
   We counted 37 satellites, 2 fighter jets from Groom Lake Air Force Base (Area 51), 52 shooting stars (without a meteor storm), two meteors (wow), a one object no brighter than a satellite but it would speed up and slow down and CHANGE direction. It was on the Extraterestial Highway though and I did drink one to many root-beers before bed.
   The first Meteor we saw was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in the sky. It crossed the entire valley but must have still been to far away, there was no sonic boom. About mid way across the sky, it split with two distinct sections pushing a mushroom shaped atmospheric cone as it went, trailing visible fire from behind. just before it disappeared over the western skyline, it split again, now three pieces! The fire trial actually burned a line in the sky for several seconds after it ended! WOW!
   I was actually traveling on a week long with my son, exploring ghost towns, prospecting for gold and mining for opals. But I was so impressed I took my wife back for a weekend and then my sister a few weeks later.
   When you go, check out my future blogs on other things to do while you are there including one of the best ghost towns I've been to. Two words of caution: (1) The State of Nevada rarely closes up open mine shafts, They simply post "Stay Out, Stay Alive". Due to what caused some of the miner deaths (mine shaft air, etc.), I recommend you stay out! (2) Area 51 is no joke, if you get to close to any of the three gates, (Groom Lake, Black Gate or Cedar Gate), you will find an M-16 in your face and you will be arrested! There is no warning, this is a highly secret base. While star gazing, look at the hill side to the south, all night we watched as black hum v's patrolled the ridge line, no lights, just the occasional tail lights.
   I know I'm going back. Have fun and read future blogs for great camp recipes and bring binoculars or something to get a close look at Planet X, UFO's, Elvis, etc.


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