Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ultimate Pain


Falling from a 13 story building and snagging your upper lip on a rusty nail 3 floors from the ground!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thought to Ponder

Deer x-ing

How do they get those deer to cross right at that little yellow sign? (Unknown)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blogging for Books

Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein



Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too
 Went for a ride in a flying shoe.
"What fun!"
"It's time we flew!"
Said Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too.

Ickle was captain, and Pickle was crew
And Tickle served coffee and mulligan stew.
As higher
And higher
And higher they flew,
Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too.......

I used to read this book as well as his other titles, Falling Up, and A Light in the Attic, to my kids as they were tucking in at night. Particularly on camp outs. What a great book or should I say books.

I have collectors additions of most of his work, including less known titles such as, The Giving Tree, etc.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Close Encounters... The True Story

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   As promised, I wanted to share my experiences in Rachael Nevada, this past summer. My son and I originally took this route in our trek across Nevada, for the star gazing, but area 51 is a fun place to say you’ve “been there, done that”.  We started our trip entering Panaca, Nevada from Utah. No offense to those who live there, but there isn’t much to see. There is a really interesting stone carved porch and balcony on a home; down the main drag and near the center of town, worth seeing. The State Park of Cathedral Gorge is one mile north of town and is very cool, but yet another blog.
   A town worth stopping at would be Caliente, next on the route to Rachael from Utah on hwy 93. A historical railroad town with a good museum and the nik-nak shops are a definite distraction. The real hidden treasure here is hwy 317 running south under the railroad. Between the Kershaw-Ryan State Park, the one room school house, Etna cave, and a dozen other prehistoric and pioneer sites along this road I need to leave it for an additional blog. Reserve a full afternoon or day for this area, my son and I had nowhere near enough time, so I returned with my sister and then my wife. By the way, there is a really nice shooting range in Caliente, but do the research first before bringing a gun in from out of state. Nevada does not honor Utah gun permits.
   Once back onto hwy 93, resist the temptation to visit the ghost town of Delamar. It’s located approximately 17 miles southwest from Caliente, a left hand turn and easy to miss. It is an excellent ghost town, one of; if not the best I’ve been to, but one needs a four wheel drive (with decent clearance), and at least two days in this town and will still not see everything. It is hosted by BLM but is on private land, so be respectful. The ideal experience is to camp with in the town, this place is really cool. I will also do a blog just on this town.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Thoughts to Ponder


If a hen and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?  Tom Robbins
